So, where is Jasons-Professional-Graphics? Logo - The Non-Blog of Jason Brink
So, where is Jasons-Professional-Graphics? PDF Print E-mail
Written by Jason Brink   
Sunday, 30 January 2011 19:09

Hello and welcome to my new website. The only way you would have been able to find this page is by coming to it by trying to get to my old website, You may have found the link on someone's website, in a search engine, or on some of my old promotional materials – either way, my website has clearly moved.

So, to answer some of the swirl of questions that may be coursing through your synapses right now, I will give a little bit of back story.

I have always been a very devoted designer and web developer, and put myself fully into whatever project I was working on at the time. Since its inception years ago, I worked night and day to build JPG into what it became. I listened to the jokes from my friends about how wonderful it must be to “be your own boss.” Chances are, if you are on this page, you are a small business owner, and you understand the hilarious gravity of that statement.

Yes, I was my own boss, but I found that my boss was something of a pain. He made me work impossibly long hours, kept me sleep deprived, pushed me way past my breaking point repeatedly, and forced me to work under workloads that would have gotten him tossed in prison had it been anything but self-inflicted. I got to the point that not only did I not enjoy working any longer, but I felt that I was getting nowhere with it. Myriad factors contributed to this, health, economy, socio-political climate...the list could go on for days.

After much reflection, soul-searching, and contemplation, I decided I needed to do something else. I spent some time in Haiti after the earthquake in 2010, and found that when I returned things were even less bearable than they had been prior to me leaving. For some reason, fonts and colors didn't seem quite as important after seeing children shiver in their cots as their bodies were wrung of their moisture as they tried to cope with bacillary dysentery. Websites seem rather meaningless when compared to orphan children running the streets of Port-au-Prince looking for something to eat.

So, I decided that Haiti wasn't quite far enough away. With that in mind, I sold/donated/dumped everything I owned and bought a one way airline ticket to Thailand. I now live in Bangkok and spend most of my time writing – my passion since childhood. It doesn't pay the bills nearly as well as graphic design or web development, but its very easy to live here on very little. I write about everything: life in Thailand, history, science, religion, human emotion...nothing is hidden.

Consequentially, there are many things on this website you may disagree with or be outright offended by. This is fair warning, so if you can think of something that might possibly offend you, don't read the rest of the site. If you would like to read some interesting stories about life in the far east, go for it. You have been fairly warned.

As far as my business – it exists only to support those clients who I have stood beside throughout the years. I still possess the capacity to deal with just about anything they might need, but I am not seeking new accounts. If you have something you would like me to work on, you may still feel free to contact me, but keep in mind I don't WANT to do anything in this field for anyone other than my established clients – so at least make it interesting. :)

If you are a charity or NGO and you need some work done, feel free to contact me. I cannot promise assistance, but its well worth asking.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and as the Thai say, “chok di!” (Good Luck).

- Jason Brink

Last Updated on Sunday, 30 January 2011 19:20